As part of a new wind farm development at Crossdykes, Nairn Construction Ltd were engaged by Muirhall Energy Ltd to cost and carry out road repair works to a private road used in the transport of the on shore turbines which had deteriorated under constant stress from the multiple heavy vehicles and plant delivering items to the windfarm location.

The project brief was to remove 220m of existing tarmac road surface and replace with new 4.5m wide carriageway to a new cross sectional and longitudinal profiles, improving water run-off, increasing the width and improving the running surface in general, leaving a better than before road for rural users.
The contract had to be carried out within a 3 week period of time to coincide with the removal of the heavy cranes and associated plant from the wind farm who would use the new engineered road construction as the existing was deemed unsuitable for use in the removal of heavy cranes and plant that had been servicing the wind farm.
Our Approach
Due to the limited width of the existing road and difficult access due to the rural location, it was decided that stockpiling materials on a nearby farmers hard standing would be the most cost effective way of keeping works flowing in a consistent manner to meet the 3 week deadline. With an agreement in place with a local landowner we proceeded to stockpile aggregates arising from removing the existing road make up. This allowed us to have 2 teams working simultaneously, one using tractors and dump trailers to export, as dug, to the stockpile and then return with aggregates. The other team on excavations to formation and team two on installing reinforcement membranes and spreading type 1 aggregates to new level profiles.
The key works carried out by Nairn were as follows:-
- Excavations to formation level,
- Strengthen and repair existing concrete cattle grid,
- Install drainage from cattle grid to burn
- Installation of reinforcing grids and membranes
- Construction of new road box to form cambered road detail to improve water run off
- New 190mm thick surfacing course
- Dressing and reinstating verges
The numbers involved were as follows:-
- 800m2 of existing carriageway removed from site
- 100m3 of soil removed and stored for reuse
- 2000m2 of new reinforcing grid and membranes laid
- 215m3 of type 1 subbase spread and compacted to new profile
- 880m2 of bituminous materials laid
- 1100m2 of verges reinstated
The contract was carried out within the timeframe allowing the removal of heavy cranes and plant from the windfarm as planned. The completed project was by design an enhancement on the original and will improve rural users experience on the road in all conditions.
On Budget
On Time
Carried out Safely
Happy Client
“We would recommend Nairn without hesitation, just as they were recommended to Muirhall by both our wind turbine supplier and main site civils contractor.
For large or small works Nairn Constructions friendly and knowledgeable team consistently did a great job each time. Muirhall are pleased to have engaged with a good local contractor , and will do so again.”
Kenny Christie, Construction Manager
Muirhall Energy Ltd